Guy Mendilow Ensemble



The Forgotten Kingdom

Arts-In-Education Virtual Performance

Dear Viewer:

The Forgotten Kingdom is a theatrical tale, told through recollections in a Book of Memory. The storytelling shifts between time periods, locations and people. Put together, these vignettes weave a personal, and sweeping, family story. 

The accompanying Scene Guide will anchor you in the story’s chronology.

  • The at-a-glance section provides “vital stats” for each scene: a snapshot quickly giving time, setting, characters and action.
    We recommend reading these “vital stats,” together with the brief show synopsis, before the performance, so that you can best follow the scenes as they unfold.

  • In addition to these scene snapshots, the guide also provides historical background and considerations. This is there for you whenever (and if ever) you like. Please feel free to come back to these background sections after the performance. There is a great deal of history to the story that I hope you will find interesting and relevant.

Be sure to use the “Fullscreen” option for the Scene Guide for best viewing experience (Hover the mouse over the booklet and look for the circle in the center).
There is also an option to zoom in and out to increase font size. Ah, what we miss by not having printed booklets in a real theatre…
You are welcome to download and print the entire booklet, view it on a second device (like a smartphone or tablet), or refer to it on this screen before and after the show.

I hope that you will find the performance moving and that it will raise meaningful questions for you. Thanks for making the time for it.
— Guy Mendilow (Director/Composer/Writer for The Forgotten Kingdom)

For a text-only version of the Scene Guide click here

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Village (Una Noche).jpg