With choral and string specialists in the Ensemble, tailored collaborations with community and professional choirs and string groups are an excellent way to forge connections and expand musical horizons. Repertoire is crafted at a level suitable for each group: challenging enough to stretch technique yet always within reach to ensure success.
Check out the videos below for example collaborations with student string and choral ensembles through Celebrity Series of Boston.
Choral Collaboration | Celebrity Series of Boston
Premiere of Heart of the Holidays: Tales of Light with Guy Mendilow Ensemble and special guests Regie Gibson, Courtney Swain and the tour choir from Boston City Singers
String Collaboration | Celebrity Series of Boston
Choral Collaboration | Celebrity Series of Boston
“A memorable and exciting concert…a truly moving evening of music and story. In addition, we were thrilled to have the group conduct a choral vocal workshop for approximately 80 students involved in the choir program at Moody Middle School of the Arts. I would not hesitate to recommend Guy Mendilow Ensemble for its high level of artistry, tuneful and accessible music, and great work with kids.”
“I just wanted to reiterate for you what an excellent experience Shady Hill had with Guy Mendilow Ensemble this fall. This Monday I performed my winter concert with my Chorus, and we reprised one of the numbers that GME taught us in the collaboration at the beginning of November.
Many aspects of the concert had a lasting impact on the kids. Several adults in the community shared that they thought he was one of the best visiting artists we’ve had here, and personally, I appreciated how professional the entire ensemble was and easy to deal with while preparing for the performance.”