Community Engagement Videos


StoryFire Phases I & II: Songwriting Workshops & Recording Session
With the guidance of Guy Mendilow, Courtney Swain and Chris Baum, 15 fifth graders from Roslindale MA’s Sumner Elementary School wrote a song that they later recorded at Futura Productions Recording Studio in Roslindale.

StoryFire Phase III: Animation
A continuation of the songwriting and storytelling workshop at Sumner Elementary School in Roslindale. Guy Mendilow, 15 fifth graders and violinist and composer, Chris Baum, and singer, pianist, and composer, Courtney Swain wrote music that they later recorded at Futura Productions Recording Studio in Roslindale. This is the third part of the project, where students from the Lesley Ellis School in Arlington, took the lyrics of the song and animated them with the help of animation teacher Pell Osborn. The final aspect of the project includes a presentation of the "music video" to both programs, complete with music and song created by the two programs.

StoryFire Outcome: Storytelling through Lyrics & Animation
Lesley Ellis School in Arlington, Massachusetts, 5th and 6th Grade students designed and animated this evocative visual response to the haunting musical track, "We Sing of Our Home" based on a song by Bob Dylan, with lyrics written by students at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, Sumner Club in Roslindale, Massachusetts.

StoryFire Residencies: Leadership through Storytelling

In November 2017, the Wyo Theater asked the Guy Mendilow Ensemble to lead a songwriting/storytelling residency at the WY Girls School, a therapeutic and educational facility for the treatment of court-ordered "delinquent" girls between the ages of 12-21. This is what happened.

Children's Workshop | Curious George (PBS)

Choral collaboration | Presented by Celebrity Series of Boston

Collaborations with String Ensembles | Presented by Celebrity Series Boston

Choral Collaboration | Presented by Celebrity Series Boston

Arts for All! | Presented by Celebrity Series Boston