Upcoming Events
Aug 2024-January 2025 Guy is honoured to be a fellow with National Arts Strategies Community Creative: New England, a program for leaders advancing social change through arts & culture. Guy is currently designing ways to harness moving performing arts, informed by social psychology, to help civic, business, educational & faith communities navigate complex challenges with greater resilience and creativity.
July 2024- May 2025 GME, Guy Mendilow, Regie Gibson & Arts for Social Cohesion are working on In Our Words, a moving multimedia performance of real-world stories, told by community members via theatrical projection, together with live original score and narration crafted by a world-class artistic team. IOW will deepen relationships between members of a Boston-area synagogue and neighboring church through stirring stories around what unites them.
Funded by the Center for Combating Antisemitism and the City of Boston as part of an initiative to bolster against dehumanization.